Coming soon…watch for an announcement when it arrives!

Crops of veg with SEER Centre initiaters

Crop yields at the SEER Centre after using Rockdust

Probably known only to the keenest of allotment owners, plot holders or gardeners, we are excited to now bring this new product to the Cornish masses, and open the door to organic crops of giant carrots, earth moving cabbages and phenomenal parsnips in the months…and years, to come!

What are we talking about? It’s called SEER Rockdust, and most simply put, is finely ground and freshly crushed volcanic rock, more than 420 million years old!

Rich in minerals and trace elements, Rockdust is exceptionally fertile and productive, unlocking goodness that has been tied up in rock for so many years and finally releasing it back into the soil to ‘remineralise’.

It may take several months to improve soil fertility and see beneficial results, but with a little patience you can expect to see benefits to crops, compost and the environment, including:

  • Improved  overall crop yield – in terms of health, flavour, aroma, flower quality, shelf life, pest & disease resistance
  • Increased worm populations, microbial activity, nitrogen fixing, composting speed and fertility
  • Healthier environment –  improved ability to absorb CO2 in the soil, whilst encouraging a reduced dependency on synthetic fertilisers

Rockdust can be used as a top dressing and a compost activator. It can be applied at any time of the year, at any stage of plant growth, and will benefit all types and pH of soil – simply lightly rake in.

Min. dose – 0.5kg per square metre
Optimum dose
– 2kg per square metre (1st year) 0.5kg per sq. metre thereafter
Max. dose
(as used at the SEER Centre) – 5kg per square metre (1st year) re-apply when fertility decreases
Application to potted plants
– Sprinkle 3mm SEER Rockdust onto soil surface – no need to mix. Just water as normal or mix with potting compost prior to sowing or planting
Compost Activator
– Sprinkle 3-5mm of Rockdust into each 5inch/13cm layer of green waste as you add it

As the only stockist of SEER Rockdust in West Cornwall, and one of only two in the whole county, we are delighted to bring this unique top dressing and compost activator to grow your own fanatics and those who are not afraid to try new things!

Where does it come from?
The SEER Centre (Sustainable, Ecological, Earth Regeneration Centre) is a Scottish, charitable organisation, where Rockdust has been used to grow bumper, mineral rich crops. It was initiated by a couple, interested in organic gardening and what has now developed into SEER Rockdust – as well as the concept behind it.

Click here for more information or click here to watch a video, and find out more about this rather mysterious, and for many, experimental product.