/Industry News

Shower your plants with the best gift they could wish for – water!

By | June 27th, 2018|Industry News, Miscellaneous, Product News, Trends|

Seems obvious but you'd be surprised how many customers aren't watering their plants through this prolonged period of dry, warm

Beware Agapanthus Gall Midge

By | July 12th, 2016|Industry News, Product News|

We recently had a visit from a customer, puzzled by their agapanthus flower head, with its slightly deformed flower buds

Trevena Cross Competitor Price Comparison

By | May 3rd, 2016|Business News, Industry News, Product News|

We want to ensure that all of our customers get great value for money - and in many cases exceptional

Trevena Cross Open Easter Sunday

By | March 23rd, 2016|Business News, Easter, Industry News, The Garden Kitchen Cafe|

Easter this coming weekend... and we'll be OPEN over the whole Easter period, including Easter Sunday (usual trading hours). Due

Low plant stocks not a problem here at Trevena

By | February 14th, 2016|Business News, Industry News, Product News|

Following reports from local customers and industry contacts, we've become aware of the fact that plant stock levels are low

It’s National Conifer Week again!

By | September 29th, 2014|Industry News, Product News|

Organised by the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) and the British Conifer Group, National Conifer Week is running this week from

National Gardening Week is here!

By | April 15th, 2014|Business News, Industry News|

What a start to National Gardening Week - the beautiful sunshine is beating down on beautiful Cornwall, and things have

Week 6: Time to think spring

By | February 12th, 2014|Business News, Industry News|

Last week was week 6, an important week in the nursery calendar - lots of new plugs and liners were

Gardening starts with pot luck!

By | January 14th, 2014|Business News, Industry News|

‘It starts with a pot’- a new PR initiative launched by the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) is aiming to get

Two days to go until the start of Wild About Gardens Week

By | October 23rd, 2013|Events, Industry News|

Wild About Gardens Week starts in two days time.... so why not set aside an hour or two in the

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